陈青锋 发表于 2007-1-13 10:46 只看TA 1楼 |
可爱童声 <童年不再> 可爱童声<<—童年不再![]() 音乐下载(右键另存) O;r\0ua [H"phd 7y,?9O 很可爱的一首歌,童声合唱的魅力,歌词中让我们回忆起的那些童年的小小想法,“你会听老师的的话吗?”,“你喜欢有人每天提醒你该怎么做吗?”......今天的你已经慢慢长大,紧张的生活,对名利的追求,让我们马不停蹄的奔波,寻找,那些又梦想实现了多少? R&q z , ^O+%q Teenage life--Daz Sampson Q9di>q\'E' 0fA*1s1.j P=i}b/ Now hear this i | h(j} c>eTljg 现在听听这个 $3ZfNr"R( #S igeHg| What did you learn at school today ? ty=W {d=5bQi! 今天你在学校学到了什么? jeyV)2@%K .$>q9'c\} That's what the teachers used to say ^mbC-Jw M/ B}wH 这就是老师常常说的 a)~ 7;ai mR\u:rz>@ <Fh!Dd#s} But they don't know AEz?I6 GPhg_, 但他们并不知道 'c~<f. T #FU6k}a( Don't understand, do they ? >t:DZHi0@ ,hp}tj`$ 也不理解,不是吗 j9-kj{/= V5}C<}L Why do they always give advice ? a n%.%2% .i? hyt? 为什么他们总是给出建议 +0%2Y V/ wE;KV O0]OOHr Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" m9]3 Q* 3"Rl1T %; 说什么"要想变得出色就得多思考" .6%P:C;z t$I:5=kSb When it's been a long since they had a teenage life i@cc $0 8 Sjx3t5 他们从少年时代就开始不断努力 :qV!W%H5_ nry~ s}< u?@=H<n '@k =xet l)_<3Xb'sJ 9wLMJk What did you learn at school today ? te2_1A2-Y u*w gu}*aK 今天你在学校学到了什么? U1qg$TG={S ~*@=U)Ca2 That's what the teachers used to say {eM'jV} @n 5qe-w 这就是老师常常说的 !H@/rAB 9v^[n But they don't know [B>(&jA zgGz7Ll 但他们并不知道 K'3nVr,TO eu8}eyh E'tMc-L/ Don't understand, do they ? MBuxX R&l"wUt3A 也不理解,不是吗 0/y|z p~;? e[das jAP Why do they always give advice ? Hgp7(U<" T.SK}D{L>S 为什么他们总是给出建议 & sz+g= Y7yG!"]}X Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" aGG r(gX 9>Ge5tG)M1 说什么"要想变得出色就得多思考" Ae+[;/} #n29T When it's been a long since they had a teenage life HN@Z!\|rL2 2Jq0t[Q 他们从少年时代就开始不断努力 b/; MHb 6AR$0CaJA C%h{,uS welling on the past, from back when I was young L"9e[=Ps FLP0 X@Y 回想着从前,当我还年轻 Kq"`GA)T =n;JtA Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song qIvhL7*j# R vhVU^ 回想着我的学生时代,努力写下这首歌 }PuIM%k F\,S6`L Classroom schemes and dreams FFD9=j_^ Up`M|<C yf 学习计划和梦想 Fx@ExN:y IIu!<#n Man they couldn't save me hC"siid}fh q^KW;K6@{ 大人们救不了我 X"tS3?UH_ 8</G`&G' ~ 4d3$+ Cause my days were numbered when I signed down on “Avy” da2by)0W| Z tx:5h p 我的日子屈指可数当我被划上Avy的标记 St`8 l]C7 x{3Vvko Teenage kicks running out what could we do 7CdMvx 8--*AUT0 年轻人埋怨着逃出了我们所做的一切 'IB X -h_ bs=|&'I I still show respect to my boys who made it through )p@[} kH 8pxCs$GV 我依旧对那些顺利过关的孩子表示尊重 (nI ^ =}$ w`3sqGiJ And getting told off Mr T how my life would be [;y,cO V"*h7WU 继续听T先生责备我日后的生活 ?jQvT}K E)2(GMO/G `}oR;72 Then giving him a signal 1jI_W^4 rU01t} 然后给他一个信号 &N./uj \&i@x,+c: So everyone could see ,AA"W& P7Sr\OaZ7k 让每个人都看到 WLfP(igT /$G$ 9X Sunshine and shade nx|X{a%! U'wTT^Y 阳光与黑暗 KNwph$/Z j~trpT Those girls I'd serenade [+BE)lo Bg as~tWSj 那些我想使之安静的姑娘啊 PK`B] Q*L|8qEr -QWt"(5 Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave G-w8`]nV^ NzsJ0\UC 想着那些无拘束的日子 FhBg\ 2 @"}fQW*@ Hoping that those days would go on and on forever ZQ}d{C +YDv`90 真希望可以永远那样 ln<dqi &0A5Sk.i Every day something new gUg] kVYzR Cp<8 每天都会有些新变化 /87~My w1AY! 5 Just friends running together 4fes`,yY ~f4kwK 只有朋友们还在一起奋斗 |BfH.% Q-(a|Dj But suddenly school ends GxCzC''PL nKk'ShK 突然学生时代已结束 q;r!c59 t8! FXh'r )#o.8Xt Your teenage life gone 3W:X#>D O Gbj`,gt 童年不再 `U4\mGjz t"a4b]&\ All your mates are growing up now r2q/ 5c?T NGP): 所有的同伴都长大了 Q=5Xbe HC%0_n4C{ They're moving on -=T/[ ?UY@5nBP 他们继续前进 =>s$T'} wR {c; And now I'm looking back qliV!i- iR:|m+3EN 现在我回望着过去 A<xy7q nlb;]R{Oz 74ZCI0B q I'll tell you what I know P C_aL;j ~|nr;GY 我会告诉你我所知道的一切 sxEA Lx }F ~pbz; "" Do you listen to your teacher ? eSI_AJ?QN J'30T#gLfQ 你会听老师的话吗 P)M;2an /"S0e No I don't think so ~`q%[CtKI s6Sa"x 不,不可我不这么想 Yb@ IjFG cn?!# I|L ^Ra6r:D "What did you learn at school today?" ^l^A|w s_do{C 今天你在学校学了什么 '.:@wf zQ`+JT9W` That's what the teachers used to say $ YJw } rC1vO 1_ 老师总是这样说 ]jX.G@.r d-p(8[0*2 But they don't know Vync!'#7 B7p$p6 U 但他们不知道 M onQyP> sv2I&JE Don't understand, do they ? Co:c&0A >R &$FtGT 也不懂,不是吗 q| [ =] `a/Qe\`[ uxl+;a@b Why do they always give advice z@aTf7}0- _s`^AY}5l 为什么他们总是提出意见 =d^aVj|u 9\Oh-H}* Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 'Wy~D2B> W&Z|MJUn 说什么"要想变得出色就得多动脑子" aC3jb Wh B-w3ZPw When it's been a long time since they had a teenage life #T\o5<{0@x 3?&1]& 从少年时候开始就没完没了 ?pKoU Y)= 8|N I!q. Qg$7D)jq Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine eIEB5UyW~2 wX#v@-vP6K 现在如果你对孩子们友善,他们就会与你愉快的相处 qZd8;=Wv< }ncHH\b'o\ Ooh ooh ooh shine qK" p08T9> o(/<#A- 哦 愉快 SS*;i@`9VL f>hzUr[W/ And if you give the kids time, they won't do the crime 5 &_zL` o'K^ <YF 如果你给他们点时间,他们不会做错什么 Ra\ <pX { UuJq2c 5 Won't do the crime ygmXk *\~?'8 不会做错 $crD2Bg R@ly~mx O ? 2}\ Now my bad old ways t1lyo=c 6H)=0Q2 现在我那些古老的坏行为 _b** qS{ Uc "A:$nxJ Were during my school days U;4[l5i_ 9$<Oflm*2/ 贯穿了整个学习生活 1bP t*h$M {7J}_`vg` Messing on those grade A's {_O hUe4V &]?Z]l 比起那些成绩优异的学生 #rht,dc) w!]rXL My life is just a haze y2m q)+{ wfdA>Awb 我的生活简直一团糟 kB!S;o} Nd[yxMJ I'm going through the struggle K$Ey-OVg Je:O[* qB| 我挣扎着 l0.\I5N7z KCYq4`J- Five ten and kicking back "OpM `|N '|R'b,V 又跳着回来了 vYF7yqq m &n6.+^ So I could lock my flow LY(,q' ffp 8j] 于是我让自己停下 6j7Vfu=-, eBsYO^F Lace it up now on the track =jD=c'Fcc *2v?d:8V=< 缠住前行的道路 DrEC? gw2 OHk*M+zy Oh yeh I felt the pain S_4:R@h#h T!!|}^< 我觉得很痛 ?eereQwF8C ]Xq4S/7l Whilst chasing all the fame 7t K IkB G97gMs<)+ 追逐着所有的名利 *0dt#\> ]:O91Dx{X I'm being told I'm nothing vXYXDr{;pk /WL#EM\ 无却被告之一无所获 G#DjHv +pl I(o~] 7.6 Just a player in the game `'JWp9n "N@; 9$ 不过是游戏中的一个玩家 +5{^7j}C !g.\2zKg But now I walk tall `laH'8H& vN~,7sKDxF 但我现在走到高处 n0uYr(6 ZgZ%[.A&: Stand proud for you to see h(}M9GTxB ~<4WP3b`) 我就是你所认为的骄傲 yQT& fX%K ~75!ldWy9 I'm driving these fast cars $2M1&(:5M <S7)'dU 我开着那些快车 u,VGZaK8R 5%d3*b It's five stars for me m`FV{h.r aca"q(Y= 我的五星级 |(-,GZ! .+RJ]\j" :%Onq>Y2J "What did you learn at school today?" |[GW=B8z jHtQ<Z1 %\ 今天你在学校学了什么 u"J$HB |GbsJU[E That's what the teachers used to say [&.r77] ^d)Gq 老师总这样问 gkr^Lm EZUL)}N,Z? But they don't know WtYrtoP 9=24T(bgF 但他们不知道 <{HR"71 $FLh_;F Don't understand, do they? :qTF}O9$ vQ674} 也不懂,不是吗 F xZbyh/. Dccp+U:f Why do they always give advice 1em<;)G1y! .o+R5=- 为什么总是那么多意见 MuHu*< ']Q(&99P Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" Io[}<JFUv c+ B6C$q 说什么"要想出色就多动动脑子" 83p@WVjB GEeEoAs When it's been a long since they had a teenage life i>=/h)amRY Ik'5X`= 从小就这样.... [ 本帖最后由 lyhave 于 2007-1-13 12:09 PM 编辑 ] |
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