Yellow Split Peas Cake / 豌豆黄
1包/500克 去皮黄豌豆
160克 白砂糖
5杯 清水
1 package/500 g Yellow split peas
160 g Sugar
5 cups Water
1. 豌豆用水清洗干净控干水分。倒入高压锅中加入水。烹制大约30分钟。用滤网过滤煮好的黄豌豆。
Rinse the split peas until clean. Drain. Pour into the pressure cooker and cook for about 30 minutes. Strain.
2. 倒入炒锅,加入砂糖后中火炒制。当用勺子挑起的豌豆糊成团状而不是液体状跌落时就可以熄火了。
Place a big enough skillet over the medium heat. Pour in the split peas puree and add in sugar. Cook and stir constantly until the mixture has thickened. Switch the heat off.
3. 取一个长方形烤盘铺上一张保鲜膜,用刷子推平。然后倒入稍稍降温的豌豆糊,用勺子刮平表面,用刷子将保鲜膜的表面刷平至无褶皱,等完全凉后放入冰箱隔夜冷藏。取出切成自己喜欢的块状即可食用。
Cover a rectangle baking pan with a plastic wrapper. Spread the peas puree evenly into the pan. Cover the surface with another plastic wrapper. Brush the surface even and smooth. Chill over night after it completely cooled down. Slice them into the desired patterns.