原帖由 canyue19801980 于 2011-2-9 11:57 发表
keey replying does not bring the fun to this forum.
probably some financial assiatance would be a shortcut
原帖由 xzyan 于 2011-2-9 18:22 发表
Well, if everyone do not reply the topic, who will post topics here?
Nobody post topics here, how you can download resources?
Just try to reply something. You have to respect the auther's work.
Also, if there is no limitation on entrance permission, I think most of the people will just donw the
resources and leave.
We do have this situation. Most topics in BT section, the resource has more than 7~10K times of
download, but has less than 100 replies.
Another reason to limit the permission is that there are always some people break the rules. They
post lots of meaningless replies, put some Ads on the forum, even some websites which contain virus.
It's a kind of circle. Authers post topics -- some topics need higher permission -- you want to
see them so
you reply to get GOLD and try to level up -- once you replied, authers get encouraged, and
they will continue posting.
This is all my own opinion. Hope it can help you to understand the running mode of the forum and
why you need to keep replying.
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